Hot girls, sex and music ...what a passion! On demand for you our soft and hardcore porn music videos

Friends who follow our blog from more time and who have known us thanks to the many promo videos scattered on the Web, are well aware that porn music videos are our passion. We love to create our own videos with soft or hardcore clips, with sinuous and fantastic bodies of our artists or with their wild sexual performances together with adequate background music. We received an avalanche of mail: some prefer the original background, they want to hear our artists who enjoy on the scene but there are many others of our friends who appreciate our music video because the right music coupled to porn has an effect of excellent audiovisual stimulation of the imagination. Many have requested new music videos to be included on one of our profiles scattered on porn sites from the network or share directly on our blog. From now on, therefore, we give you the opportunity to ask your custom video. You can choose the favorite pornstars and the background music. You can choose a soft or a hardcore video and can decide the sexual situation in which you want to see your favorite actresses. Write to mail all your requests and we can do that by creating the video in the shortest possible time and sending it to your email. In this post you can see two video example, the 1st soft and 2nd hardcore …
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I take this opportunity to remind you that you can always ask our amateur videos, writing to the email Available for you some videos shot by Lisa and her friends Heather, Isabel and Candy Slutty with some fans that, like you, follow our blog. We also remind you that there is less than a month at the beginning of our castings in California that will see protagonists our Heather, Candy and Isabel. All American friends who follow us can still send their photos and their personal details to our mail if want to apply to participate in the castings. To those of you who have already been chosen remember that on the day of the casting is necessary to have a recent medical document that demonstrates the negative HIV test. Finally, let me remind you also that you can ask for videos of our Dallya, our web starlet that we presented to you a few days ago, last 6 april. Dallya will realize your hardcore videos on demand, in this case you have to write to
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